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“Talking of books, were you able to read them this time? "She's right, Every time I passed her room, she was already looking at her books." said Rita. “Lana you need to stop dragging mud into the house.” scolded Rita.
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"Y'know… I'm kind of curious. (looks around) Aside from the Louds, has anybody here been homeschooled?" asked Clyde. “I read your book when it came out and loved it.” Maria told Rita.“Why thank you Maria.” Rita smiled. “We should know, sometimes we have students do a bit of both; regular and homeschool.” said Rivers. “So pageant girls get to have time off from school for rehearsing?
The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest (Fanfiction) - Know Your Meme
The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest (Fanfiction).
Posted: Mon, 01 Apr 2024 21:27:46 GMT [source]
The next day, the worried kids are writing on pieces of paper, Lisa is making an arts and crafts bouquet of flowers, and a really tired Lola rubs her eyes constantly. She didn’t have to help her siblings since they procrastinated… but she knew it was the right thing to do. Family did look out for each other. Lola says its all about hard work and discipline.
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Lori reveals they're all going back to regular school, much to Lola's shock. “Thanks Pop-Pop.” Lola smiled, though she and her siblings frowned as they knew what was about to come next. “You really helped them out Lola. I’m very proud of you.” smiled Albert. "Maybe they were so used to little hours of sleep that they've built up a resistance." guessed Carlos.

That'd be the same as reading the entire Harry Potter series 20 times over! It truly is remarkable what a single person can do with enough time on their hands. I salute you, Jamesdean5842, you're one dedicated author. Good day everyone, and welcome to the Loud House Fanfiction subreddit. This sub was created to allow for multiple creatives who wish to interact with fellow LH fanfiction creators. “We should’ve listened to you, studied, and we wouldn’t have had to pull an all-nighter.” sighed Luna.
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Add a flair after posting by clicking the 'flair' button underneath your post. When an incorrect flair has been used, a moderator will reflair the post. “We were just so happy to have a lot more freedom and be goofing off we forgot all about the ‘school’ part in homeschool.” said Lynn. To see Mr. Grouse playing his sounds again, much to their annoyance.

Lola was touched that they'd give up homeschooling just for her. “This is getting you nowhere for your all-nighter.” sighed Carlota. During the night, the kids have just finished eating a tub of Morgan's strawberry ice cream. “You kids really should’ve focused on your work and not slack off until it was all taken care of!
Later that night, the kids, minus Lola, are brushing their teeth. Everyone deadpanned at the group, though some kids laughed. Lori gets them back on track...
The longest written Fanfic is a lot longer than you think...
Lola retorts that it's more than goofing off as they have schoolwork to do. “Imagine if they were all on the same day.” joked Carlota. Lynn says she has basketball practice, football practice, lacrosse tryouts, and a hockey game all before Thursday. "Yeah, especially when everyone needs to get ready for school." added Tavvy.
The siblings were terrified about going back to regular school. “It was our own fault for not doing any of it…” sighed Luna. “We know it was stupid of us to procrastinate like that.” sighed Lucy. Lola comes by and Lucy asks if she wants ice cream.
Lincoln apologizes saying that they need her help for an all nighter. Lola's annoyed since she needs her sleep and she warned them. Lincoln gets startled, bumps into his other sisters behind him, gets surprised again and crashes on the floor as the lampshade and alarm clock falls down. The girls nose-go and he loses, much to his annoyance. Lincoln says they need to wake Lola up.
If you're looking for a SPECIFIC fic (e.g. "Lincoln is turned into a ghoul and is now part of a secret society with Sam and Haiku and ghouls too"), tag your post as Fic Search. “And on the off chance you do get to be homeschooled again whether you're in elementary, middle, high school, or even college, you’ll know not to procrastinate.” said Carlos. "Lincoln I know you could have made homeschooling work for you, you're smart plus you're the man with a plan." Stella complimented. “Unless you’re actually trying to get all the schoolwork out of the way that early first.” said Sid. “From what we’ve seen pageant season isn’t easy and now she’s gonna be in a struggle to catch up.” grunted Jordan.
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